主机之家测评主机之家测评  2021-07-05 08:42 主机之家测评 隐藏边栏 |   抢沙发  8 
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Virmach 好不好Virmach家这几年非常火,从商家的黑五闪购开始,以超低的价格吸引了大批的国人客户,而且商家的机器还是非常稳定的,站长手里的 4.75 刀年付已经用了两年了,非常稳定,不过商家到国内的线路一般,目前商家新上了夏季优惠促销,价格低到发指,年付 7.2 美元起,商家反馈将在 9 月开始更换AMD+NVMe平台,这个消息从年初就有了,不过一直没有更换,目前这个时间也不确定是否准确。

Virmach:夏季促销,1 核/512M/10G SSD/1T/G 口/年付.2,9 月更换 AMD 平台


点击进入 Virmach 官方网站

VPS 套餐

专用优惠码:MIGRATE2021(首年 8 折优惠)

目前美国所有机房都可以选择,圣何塞也有货,KVM 虚拟架构,SSD 固态硬盘

CPU SSD 流量 价格
1 核 512M 10G 1T $7.2/年 直达链接
1 核 768M 15G 2T $9.6/年 直达链接
1 核 1G 20G 3T $12.0/年 直达链接
2G 40G 4T $20.0/年 直达链接
3 核 3G 60G 5T $28.0/年 直达链接

换 ADM 平台消息

*Your service will provision on a server that has a planned migration between approximately 09/30/2021 and 04/30/2022. You will either receive a notice allowing you to self-migrate to a <a href="https://www.zjzjcp.com/tag/ryzen" class="st_tag internal_tag" rel="tag" title="标签 ryzen 下的日志">Ryzen</a> node, or you may be required as a part of scheduled migration. After migration, IPv4 will change, as will network blend. Location may change, but we’ll keep you in a similar region. For example, if you select Buffalo, New York, you may be moved to NYC Metro, New York. While we have planned to migrate the above packages to <a href="https://www.zjzjcp.com/tag/ryzen" class="st_tag internal_tag" rel="tag" title="标签 ryzen 下的日志">Ryzen</a> nodes before the end of their annual term, it is not a guarantee. No ETA is provided. Please note, there is a possibility that your service may be consolidated into another Intel node before a <a href="https://www.zjzjcp.com/tag/ryzen" class="st_tag internal_tag" rel="tag" title="标签 ryzen 下的日志">Ryzen</a> node if there is limited availability, but we will try to avoid that.


