主机之家测评主机之家测评  2023-06-09 17:26 主机之家测评 隐藏边栏 |   抢沙发  7 
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Hostwinds 的 VPS 分为管理型和无管理型两类,Linux 或者 Windows 系列,使用 SSD 磁盘,1Gbps 带宽,支持 snapshot 快照、自定义 ISO 安装系统等;云服务器按小时计费,全管理服务。Hostwinds 提供免费迁移服务,支持后台自助更换 IP 等(而且好像是免费的),产品稳定,客户口碑不错,本文针对达拉斯机房做简单测评,方便大家购买参考。

Hostwinds 怎么样,Hostwinds 是一家老牌国外主机商,成立于 2008 年,提供虚拟主机、VPS、云服务器、独立服务器租用等产品,数据中心在美国西雅图、达拉斯和荷兰阿姆斯特丹,可使用支付宝、PayPal、信用卡等付款方式。

Hostwinds:达拉斯机房 vps 月付 4.99 美元起,云服务器<img fetchpriority=.006931/时起,支持支付宝,解锁 chatgpt/tiktok,简单测评" alt="Hostwinds:达拉斯机房 vps 月付 4.99 美元起,云服务器.006931/时起,支持支付宝,解锁 chatgpt/tiktok,简单测评" width="480" height="236" sizes="(max-width: 480px) 100vw, 480px" />


点击直达 Hostwinds 官方网站

Linux VPS 方案

CPU 内存 硬盘 流量/带宽 托管型 购买 非托管型 购买
1 核 1GB 30GB 1TB/1Gbps $8.24/月 购买 $4.99/月 购买
1 核 2GB 50GB 2TB/1Gbps $16.49/月 购买 $9.99/月 购买
2 核 4GB 75GB 2TB/1Gbps $29.99/月 购买 $18.99/月 购买
2 核 6GB 100GB 2TB/1Gbps $38.24/月 购买 $28.99/月 购买
4 核 8GB 150GB 3TB/1Gbps $59.99/月 购买 $38.99 月 购买
4 核 12GB 200GB 4TB/1Gbps $74.99/月 购买 $49.99/月 购买
6 核 16GB 300GB 5TB/1Gbps $110.24/月 购买 $76.99/月 购买
8 核 32GB 400GB 6TB/1Gbps $168.74/月 购买 $124.99/月 购买
12 核 64GB 500GB 8TB/1Gbps $274.49/月 购买 $214.99/月 购买
16 核 96GB 750GB 9TB/1Gbps $395.24/月 购买 $328.99/月 购买

Windows VPS 方案

CPU 内存 硬盘 流量/带宽 托管型 购买 非托管型 购买
1 核 1GB 30GB 1TB/1Gbps $12.74/月 购买 $10.99/月 购买
1 核 2GB 50GB 2TB/1Gbps $20.99/月 购买 $15.99/月 购买
2 核 4GB 75GB 2TB/1Gbps $34.49/月 购买 $24.99/月 购买
2 核 6GB 100GB 2TB/1Gbps $42.74/月 购买 $34.99/月 购买
4 核 8GB 150GB 3TB/1Gbps $68.99/月 购买 $50.99/月 购买
4 核 12GB 200GB 4TB/1Gbps $83.99/月 购买 $61.99/月 购买
6 核 16GB 300GB 5TB/1Gbps $123.74/月 购买 $94.99/月 购买
8 核 32GB 400GB 6TB/1Gbps $186.74/月 购买 $148.99/月 购买
12 核 64GB 500GB 8TB/1Gbps $301.49/月 购买 $250.99/月 购买
16 核 96GB 750GB 9TB/1Gbps $431.24/月 购买 $376.99/月 购买


机房 测试 IP 测试文件
西雅图 Seattle 100MB 1GB 10GB
达拉斯 Dallas 100MB 1GB 10GB
阿姆斯特丹 Amsterdam 100MB 1GB 10GB


配置信息/IO 读写/CPU Benchmark 测试:

Hostwinds:达拉斯机房 vps 月付 4.99 美元起,云服务器<img decoding=.006931/时起,支持支付宝,解锁 chatgpt/tiktok,简单测评" alt="Hostwinds:达拉斯机房 vps 月付 4.99 美元起,云服务器.006931/时起,支持支付宝,解锁 chatgpt/tiktok,简单测评" width="1192" height="1131" sizes="(max-width: 1192px) 100vw, 1192px" />

Hostwinds:达拉斯机房 vps 月付 4.99 美元起,云服务器<img decoding=.006931/时起,支持支付宝,解锁 chatgpt/tiktok,简单测评" alt="Hostwinds:达拉斯机房 vps 月付 4.99 美元起,云服务器.006931/时起,支持支付宝,解锁 chatgpt/tiktok,简单测评" width="1150" height="759" sizes="(max-width: 1150px) 100vw, 1150px" /> Hostwinds:达拉斯机房 vps 月付 4.99 美元起,云服务器<img decoding=.006931/时起,支持支付宝,解锁 chatgpt/tiktok,简单测评" alt="Hostwinds:达拉斯机房 vps 月付 4.99 美元起,云服务器.006931/时起,支持支付宝,解锁 chatgpt/tiktok,简单测评" width="1061" height="1328" sizes="(max-width: 1061px) 100vw, 1061px" />
ChatGPT/Tiktok 解锁测试:支持

Hostwinds:达拉斯机房 vps 月付 4.99 美元起,云服务器<img decoding=.006931/时起,支持支付宝,解锁 chatgpt/tiktok,简单测评" alt="Hostwinds:达拉斯机房 vps 月付 4.99 美元起,云服务器.006931/时起,支持支付宝,解锁 chatgpt/tiktok,简单测评" width="1166" height="432" sizes="(max-width: 1166px) 100vw, 1166px" />
FIO 测试硬盘读写:

Hostwinds:达拉斯机房 vps 月付 4.99 美元起,云服务器<img decoding=.006931/时起,支持支付宝,解锁 chatgpt/tiktok,简单测评" alt="Hostwinds:达拉斯机房 vps 月付 4.99 美元起,云服务器.006931/时起,支持支付宝,解锁 chatgpt/tiktok,简单测评" width="1025" height="481" sizes="(max-width: 1025px) 100vw, 1025px" />

Hostwinds:达拉斯机房 vps 月付 4.99 美元起,云服务器<img decoding=.006931/时起,支持支付宝,解锁 chatgpt/tiktok,简单测评" alt="Hostwinds:达拉斯机房 vps 月付 4.99 美元起,云服务器.006931/时起,支持支付宝,解锁 chatgpt/tiktok,简单测评" width="1238" height="633" sizes="(max-width: 1238px) 100vw, 1238px" /> Hostwinds:达拉斯机房 vps 月付 4.99 美元起,云服务器<img decoding=.006931/时起,支持支付宝,解锁 chatgpt/tiktok,简单测评" alt="Hostwinds:达拉斯机房 vps 月付 4.99 美元起,云服务器.006931/时起,支持支付宝,解锁 chatgpt/tiktok,简单测评" width="1022" height="805" sizes="(max-width: 1022px) 100vw, 1022px" />
Speedtest 亚洲节点上行下行测试:

Hostwinds:达拉斯机房 vps 月付 4.99 美元起,云服务器<img decoding=.006931/时起,支持支付宝,解锁 chatgpt/tiktok,简单测评" alt="Hostwinds:达拉斯机房 vps 月付 4.99 美元起,云服务器.006931/时起,支持支付宝,解锁 chatgpt/tiktok,简单测评" width="1153" height="863" sizes="(max-width: 1153px) 100vw, 1153px" />
Iperf3 欧美地区的节点的测试:

Hostwinds:达拉斯机房 vps 月付 4.99 美元起,云服务器<img decoding=.006931/时起,支持支付宝,解锁 chatgpt/tiktok,简单测评" alt="Hostwinds:达拉斯机房 vps 月付 4.99 美元起,云服务器.006931/时起,支持支付宝,解锁 chatgpt/tiktok,简单测评" width="1312" height="797" sizes="(max-width: 1312px) 100vw, 1312px" />
测试机 BIN 文件,呼和浩特市电信本地下载测试:

Unix bench Mark 性能跑分测试:

Hostwinds:达拉斯机房 vps 月付 4.99 美元起,云服务器<img decoding=.006931/时起,支持支付宝,解锁 chatgpt/tiktok,简单测评" alt="Hostwinds:达拉斯机房 vps 月付 4.99 美元起,云服务器.006931/时起,支持支付宝,解锁 chatgpt/tiktok,简单测评" width="1201" height="1205" sizes="(max-width: 1201px) 100vw, 1201px" />

Hostwinds:达拉斯机房 vps 月付 4.99 美元起,云服务器<img decoding=.006931/时起,支持支付宝,解锁 chatgpt/tiktok,简单测评" alt="Hostwinds:达拉斯机房 vps 月付 4.99 美元起,云服务器.006931/时起,支持支付宝,解锁 chatgpt/tiktok,简单测评" width="1078" height="803" sizes="(max-width: 1078px) 100vw, 1078px" />
国内 ping 测试:

Hostwinds:达拉斯机房 vps 月付 4.99 美元起,云服务器<img decoding=.006931/时起,支持支付宝,解锁 chatgpt/tiktok,简单测评" alt="Hostwinds:达拉斯机房 vps 月付 4.99 美元起,云服务器.006931/时起,支持支付宝,解锁 chatgpt/tiktok,简单测评" width="1799" height="657" sizes="(max-width: 1799px) 100vw, 1799px" />

Hostwinds:达拉斯机房 vps 月付 4.99 美元起,云服务器<img decoding=.006931/时起,支持支付宝,解锁 chatgpt/tiktok,简单测评" alt="Hostwinds:达拉斯机房 vps 月付 4.99 美元起,云服务器.006931/时起,支持支付宝,解锁 chatgpt/tiktok,简单测评" width="1575" height="1812" sizes="(max-width: 1575px) 100vw, 1575px" />

Hostwinds:达拉斯机房 vps 月付 4.99 美元起,云服务器<img decoding=.006931/时起,支持支付宝,解锁 chatgpt/tiktok,简单测评" alt="Hostwinds:达拉斯机房 vps 月付 4.99 美元起,云服务器.006931/时起,支持支付宝,解锁 chatgpt/tiktok,简单测评" width="1504" height="1476" sizes="(max-width: 1504px) 100vw, 1504px" /> Hostwinds:达拉斯机房 vps 月付 4.99 美元起,云服务器<img decoding=.006931/时起,支持支付宝,解锁 chatgpt/tiktok,简单测评" alt="Hostwinds:达拉斯机房 vps 月付 4.99 美元起,云服务器.006931/时起,支持支付宝,解锁 chatgpt/tiktok,简单测评" width="1500" height="1429" sizes="(max-width: 1500px) 100vw, 1500px" /> Hostwinds:达拉斯机房 vps 月付 4.99 美元起,云服务器<img decoding=.006931/时起,支持支付宝,解锁 chatgpt/tiktok,简单测评" alt="Hostwinds:达拉斯机房 vps 月付 4.99 美元起,云服务器.006931/时起,支持支付宝,解锁 chatgpt/tiktok,简单测评" width="1506" height="2071" sizes="(max-width: 1506px) 100vw, 1506px" />

Round 1 - SuperTrace 路由到 - 北京电信
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
1 0.61 ms * LAN Address
2 te0-2-1-19.rcr51.b059724-0.dfw01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 1.00 ms AS174 United States, Texas, Dallas, cogentco.com
3 be2362.ccr32.dfw01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 1.50 ms AS174 United States, Texas, Dallas, cogentco.com
4 be2433.ccr22.mci01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 11.05 ms AS174 United States, Missouri, Kansas City, cogentco.com
5 be3036.ccr22.den01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 22.33 ms AS174 United States, Colorado, Denver, cogentco.com
6 be3038.ccr32.slc01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 32.86 ms AS174 United States, Utah, Salt Lake City, cogentco.com
7 be3110.ccr22.sfo01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 47.35 ms AS174 United States, California, San Francisco, cogentco.com
8 be3670.ccr41.sjc03.atlas.cogentco.com ( 48.49 ms AS174 United States, California, San Jose, cogentco.com
9 *
10 *
11 *
12 *
13 *
14 210.95 ms AS4847 China, Beijing, ChinaTelecom
15 bj141-160-38.bjtelecom.net ( 219.71 ms AS4847 China, Beijing, ChinaTelecom
16 *
17 ( 206.58 ms AS4847 China, Beijing, ChinaTelecom

Round 2 - SuperTrace 路由到 - 北京联通
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
1 8.57 ms * LAN Address
2 te0-2-1-19.rcr51.b059724-0.dfw01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 1.06 ms AS174 United States, Texas, Dallas, cogentco.com
3 be2356.ccr31.dfw01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 18.66 ms AS174 United States, Texas, Dallas, cogentco.com
4 be2432.ccr21.mci01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 11.09 ms AS174 United States, Missouri, Kansas City, cogentco.com
5 be3035.ccr21.den01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 22.34 ms AS174 United States, Colorado, Denver, cogentco.com
6 be3037.ccr21.slc01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 33.02 ms AS174 United States, Utah, Salt Lake City, cogentco.com
7 be3109.ccr21.sfo01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 47.26 ms AS174 United States, California, San Francisco, cogentco.com
8 be3669.ccr41.sjc03.atlas.cogentco.com ( 48.38 ms AS174 United States, California, San Jose, cogentco.com
9 208.96 ms AS174 United States, California, San Jose, cogentco.com
10 207.11 ms AS4837 China, Beijing, ChinaUnicom
11 205.36 ms AS4837 China, Beijing, ChinaUnicom
12 *
13 199.29 ms AS4808 China, Beijing, ChinaUnicom
14 201.57 ms AS4808 China, Beijing, ChinaUnicom
15 200.86 ms AS4808 China, Beijing, ChinaUnicom
16 *
17 *
18 *
19 198.92 ms AS4808 China, Beijing, ChinaUnicom

Round 3 - SuperTrace 路由到 - 北京移动
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
1 0.31 ms * LAN Address
2 te0-2-1-19.rcr51.b059724-0.dfw01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 1.18 ms AS174 United States, Texas, Dallas, cogentco.com
3 be2362.ccr32.dfw01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 8.08 ms AS174 United States, Texas, Dallas, cogentco.com
4 be2443.ccr42.iah01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 46.49 ms AS174 United States, Texas, Houston, cogentco.com
5 be3851.ccr22.elp02.atlas.cogentco.com ( 22.37 ms AS174 United States, Texas, El Paso, cogentco.com
6 be3872.ccr32.phx01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 30.65 ms AS174 United States, Arizona, Phoenix, cogentco.com
7 be2932.ccr42.lax01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 42.45 ms AS174 United States, California, Los Angeles, cogentco.com
8 be3359.ccr41.lax05.atlas.cogentco.com ( 42.38 ms AS174 United States, California, Los Angeles, cogentco.com
9 *
10 205.78 ms AS58453 United States, California, Los Angeles, ChinaMobile
11 205.43 ms AS58453 United States, California, Los Angeles, ChinaMobile
12 345.49 ms AS58453 China, Beijing, ChinaMobile
13 333.37 ms AS9808 China, Beijing, ChinaMobile
14 322.03 ms AS9808 China, Beijing, ChinaMobile
15 *
16 350.68 ms AS56048 China, Beijing, ChinaMobile

Round 4 - SuperTrace 路由到 - 北京教育
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
1 0.41 ms * LAN Address
2 xe-5-5-1-1.a00.dllstx14.us.bb.gin.ntt.net ( 0.86 ms AS2914 United States, Texas, Dallas, ntt.com
3 ae-2.r20.dllstx14.us.bb.gin.ntt.net ( 19.04 ms AS2914 United States, Texas, Dallas, ntt.com
4 *
5 ae-8.r25.lsanca07.us.bb.gin.ntt.net ( 26.64 ms AS2914 United States, California, Los Angeles, ntt.com
6 ae-12.r31.tokyjp05.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net ( 136.70 ms AS2914 Japan, Tokyo, ntt.com
7 ae-2.r30.tokyjp05.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net ( 137.65 ms AS2914 Japan, Tokyo, ntt.com
8 *
9 ae-2.a01.chwahk02.hk.bb.gin.ntt.net ( 177.17 ms AS2914 China, Hong Kong, ntt.com
10 185.62 ms AS2914 China, Hong Kong, ntt.com
11 171.49 ms AS4538 China, Hong Kong, CHINAEDU
12 208.76 ms AS4538 China, Beijing, CHINAEDU
13 *
14 218.57 ms AS4538 China, Beijing, CHINAEDU
15 215.87 ms AS4538 China, Beijing, CHINAEDU
16 211.54 ms AS4538 China, Beijing, CHINAEDU
17 *
18 204.97 ms AS4538 China, Beijing, CHINAEDU

Round 5 - SuperTrace 路由到 - 上海电信
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
1 0.66 ms * LAN Address
2 te0-2-1-19.rcr51.b059724-0.dfw01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 1.08 ms AS174 United States, Texas, Dallas, cogentco.com
3 be2362.ccr32.dfw01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 8.36 ms AS174 United States, Texas, Dallas, cogentco.com
4 be2433.ccr22.mci01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 11.07 ms AS174 United States, Missouri, Kansas City, cogentco.com
5 be3036.ccr22.den01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 22.42 ms AS174 United States, Colorado, Denver, cogentco.com
6 be3038.ccr32.slc01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 32.86 ms AS174 United States, Utah, Salt Lake City, cogentco.com
7 be3110.ccr22.sfo01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 111.91 ms AS174 United States, California, San Francisco, cogentco.com
8 be3670.ccr41.sjc03.atlas.cogentco.com ( 48.21 ms AS174 United States, California, San Jose, cogentco.com
9 *
10 *
11 167.11 ms AS4134 China, Shanghai, ChinaTelecom
12 170.77 ms AS4134 China, Shanghai, ChinaTelecom
13 175.13 ms AS4812 China, Shanghai, ChinaTelecom
14 169.75 ms AS4812 China, Shanghai, ChinaTelecom

Round 6 - SuperTrace 路由到 - 上海联通
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
1 0.38 ms * LAN Address
2 te0-2-1-19.rcr51.b059724-0.dfw01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 2.09 ms AS174 United States, Texas, Dallas, cogentco.com
3 be2356.ccr31.dfw01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 1.35 ms AS174 United States, Texas, Dallas, cogentco.com
4 be2763.ccr41.dfw03.atlas.cogentco.com ( 1.08 ms AS174 United States, Texas, Dallas, cogentco.com
5 *
6 *
7 *
8 0.ae6.GW2.LAX1.ALTER.NET ( 31.31 ms * United States, California, Los Angeles, verizon.com
9 WS-CHINA-UNICOM--HK--OPERATIONS-LTD.customer.alter.net ( 126.77 ms AS701 United States, California, Los Angeles, verizon.com
10 254.73 ms AS4837 China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaUnicom
11 236.60 ms AS4837 China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaUnicom
12 276.08 ms AS4837 China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaUnicom
13 307.58 ms AS4837 China, Shanghai, ChinaUnicom

Round 7 - SuperTrace 路由到 - 上海移动
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
1 0.35 ms * LAN Address
2 te0-2-1-19.rcr51.b059724-0.dfw01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 1.30 ms AS174 United States, Texas, Dallas, cogentco.com
3 be2356.ccr31.dfw01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 10.73 ms AS174 United States, Texas, Dallas, cogentco.com
4 be2432.ccr21.mci01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 11.06 ms AS174 United States, Missouri, Kansas City, cogentco.com
5 be3035.ccr21.den01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 23.12 ms AS174 United States, Colorado, Denver, cogentco.com
6 be3037.ccr21.slc01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 32.93 ms AS174 United States, Utah, Salt Lake City, cogentco.com
7 be3109.ccr21.sfo01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 47.22 ms AS174 United States, California, San Francisco, cogentco.com
8 be3669.ccr41.sjc03.atlas.cogentco.com ( 48.36 ms AS174 United States, California, San Jose, cogentco.com
9 48.20 ms AS174 United States, California, San Jose, cogentco.com
10 48.11 ms AS58453 United States, California, San Jose, ChinaMobile
11 230.56 ms AS58453 China, Shanghai, ChinaMobile
12 231.97 ms AS9808 China, Shanghai, ChinaMobile
13 223.53 ms AS9808 China, Shanghai, ChinaMobile
14 225.81 ms AS9808 China, Shanghai, ChinaMobile

Round 8 - SuperTrace 路由到 - 上海教育
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
1 0.37 ms * LAN Address
2 te0-5-0-5-9.ccr41.dfw03.atlas.cogentco.com ( 1.03 ms AS174 United States, Texas, Dallas, cogentco.com
3 be2764.ccr32.dfw01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 1.23 ms AS174 United States, Texas, Dallas, cogentco.com
4 be2443.ccr42.iah01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 6.10 ms AS174 United States, Texas, Houston, cogentco.com
5 be3851.ccr22.elp02.atlas.cogentco.com ( 22.44 ms AS174 United States, Texas, El Paso, cogentco.com
6 be3872.ccr32.phx01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 30.84 ms AS174 United States, Arizona, Phoenix, cogentco.com
7 be2932.ccr42.lax01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 42.57 ms AS174 United States, California, Los Angeles, cogentco.com
8 be3360.ccr41.lax04.atlas.cogentco.com ( 42.89 ms AS174 United States, California, Los Angeles, cogentco.com
9 43.62 ms AS174 United States, California, Los Angeles, cogentco.com
10 204.12 ms AS4538 China, Beijing, CHINAEDU
11 197.26 ms AS4538 China, Beijing, CHINAEDU
12 206.50 ms AS4538 China, Beijing, CHINAEDU
13 208.10 ms AS4538 China, Beijing, CHINAEDU
14 203.39 ms AS4538 China, Beijing, CHINAEDU
15 202.91 ms AS4538 China, Beijing, CHINAEDU
16 205.31 ms AS4538 China, Shandong, Jinan, CHINAEDU
17 *
18 *
19 225.56 ms AS24364 China, Shanghai, CHINAEDU

Round 9 - SuperTrace 路由到 - 广州电信
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
1 0.51 ms * LAN Address
2 te0-2-1-19.rcr51.b059724-0.dfw01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 1.21 ms AS174 United States, Texas, Dallas, cogentco.com
3 be2356.ccr31.dfw01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 1.69 ms AS174 United States, Texas, Dallas, cogentco.com
4 be2432.ccr21.mci01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 11.07 ms AS174 United States, Missouri, Kansas City, cogentco.com
5 be3035.ccr21.den01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 22.34 ms AS174 United States, Colorado, Denver, cogentco.com
6 be3037.ccr21.slc01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 32.64 ms AS174 United States, Utah, Salt Lake City, cogentco.com
7 be3109.ccr21.sfo01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 47.17 ms AS174 United States, California, San Francisco, cogentco.com
8 be3669.ccr41.sjc03.atlas.cogentco.com ( 48.34 ms AS174 United States, California, San Jose, cogentco.com
9 44.60 ms AS174 United States, California, San Jose, cogentco.com
10 188.76 ms AS4134 China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaTelecom
11 *
12 *
13 210.64 ms AS4134 China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaTelecom
14 *
15 *
16 213.37 ms AS4134 China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaTelecom
17 ( 211.63 ms AS4134 China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaTelecom
18 *
19 ( 215.30 ms AS4134 China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaTelecom

Round 10 - SuperTrace 路由到 - 广州联通
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
1 0.36 ms * LAN Address
2 te0-5-0-5-9.ccr41.dfw03.atlas.cogentco.com ( 1.04 ms AS174 United States, Texas, Dallas, cogentco.com
3 be2763.ccr31.dfw01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 10.06 ms AS174 United States, Texas, Dallas, cogentco.com
4 be2441.ccr41.iah01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 6.09 ms AS174 United States, Texas, Houston, cogentco.com
5 be3850.ccr21.elp02.atlas.cogentco.com ( 22.63 ms AS174 United States, Texas, El Paso, cogentco.com
6 be2979.ccr31.phx01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 30.76 ms AS174 United States, Arizona, Phoenix, cogentco.com
7 be2931.ccr41.lax01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 42.52 ms AS174 United States, California, Los Angeles, cogentco.com
8 be3119.rcr62.lax04.atlas.cogentco.com ( 42.95 ms AS174 United States, California, Los Angeles, cogentco.com
9 37.02 ms AS174 United States, California, Los Angeles, cogentco.com
10 192.61 ms AS4837 China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaUnicom
11 201.36 ms AS4837 China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaUnicom
12 189.10 ms AS4837 China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaUnicom
13 194.22 ms AS17816 China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaUnicom
14 193.51 ms AS17622 China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaUnicom

Round 11 - SuperTrace 路由到 - 广州移动
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
1 0.59 ms * LAN Address
2 xe-5-5-1-1.a00.dllstx14.us.bb.gin.ntt.net ( 0.71 ms AS2914 United States, Texas, Dallas, ntt.com
3 ae-2.r20.dllstx14.us.bb.gin.ntt.net ( 1.37 ms AS2914 United States, Texas, Dallas, ntt.com
4 ae-2.r24.lsanca07.us.bb.gin.ntt.net ( 26.80 ms AS2914 United States, California, Los Angeles, ntt.com
5 *
6 ae-12.r31.tokyjp05.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net ( 136.74 ms AS2914 Japan, Tokyo, ntt.com
7 ae-2.r30.tokyjp05.jp.bb.gin.ntt.net ( 137.79 ms AS2914 Japan, Tokyo, ntt.com
8 ae-2.r26.tkokhk01.hk.bb.gin.ntt.net ( 174.70 ms AS2914 China, Hong Kong, ntt.com
9 ae-1.r02.tkokhk01.hk.bb.gin.ntt.net ( 190.58 ms AS2914 China, Hong Kong, ntt.com
10 ce-0-4-0-0.r02.tkokhk01.hk.ce.gin.ntt.net ( 189.36 ms AS2914 China, Hong Kong, ntt.com
11 *
12 219.29 ms AS58453 China, Shanghai, ChinaMobile
13 210.09 ms AS9808 China, Shanghai, ChinaMobile
14 *
15 219.18 ms AS9808 China, Shanghai, ChinaMobile
16 *
17 227.73 ms AS9808 China, Beijing, ChinaMobile
18 230.30 ms AS9808 China, Beijing, ChinaMobile
19 ns5.gd.cnmobile.net ( 230.15 ms AS56040 China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, ChinaMobile

Round 12 - SuperTrace 路由到 - 广州教育
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 32 byte packets
1 0.33 ms * LAN Address
2 te0-2-1-19.rcr51.b059724-0.dfw01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 1.19 ms AS174 United States, Texas, Dallas, cogentco.com
3 be2356.ccr31.dfw01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 10.86 ms AS174 United States, Texas, Dallas, cogentco.com
4 be2432.ccr21.mci01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 11.12 ms AS174 United States, Missouri, Kansas City, cogentco.com
5 be2831.ccr41.ord01.atlas.cogentco.com ( 49.73 ms AS174 United States, Illinois, Chicago, cogentco.com
6 be2717.ccr21.cle04.atlas.cogentco.com ( 124.08 ms AS174 United States, Ohio, Cleveland, cogentco.com
7 be2889.ccr41.jfk02.atlas.cogentco.com ( 122.37 ms AS174 United States, New York, New York City, cogentco.com
8 be2317.ccr41.lon13.atlas.cogentco.com ( 122.24 ms AS174 United Kingdom, London, cogentco.com
9 be12194.ccr41.ams03.atlas.cogentco.com ( 122.88 ms AS174 Netherlands, North Holland, Amsterdam, cogentco.com
10 be2813.ccr41.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com ( 124.21 ms AS174 Germany, Hesse, Frankfurt, cogentco.com
11 be2533.agr22.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com ( 122.41 ms AS174 Germany, Hesse, Frankfurt, cogentco.com
12 be3208.nr61.b015753-1.fra03.atlas.cogentco.com ( 125.54 ms AS174 Germany, Hesse, Frankfurt, cogentco.com
13 123.71 ms AS174 Germany, Hesse, Frankfurt, cogentco.com
14 259.67 ms * China, Hong Kong, ChinaTelecom
15 265.32 ms * China, ChinaTelecom
16 249.44 ms AS4538 China, Hong Kong, CHINAEDU
17 286.73 ms AS4538 China, Beijing, CHINAEDU
18 *
19 296.30 ms AS4538 China, Beijing, CHINAEDU
20 318.74 ms AS4538 China, Hubei, Wuhan, CHINAEDU
21 313.97 ms AS4538 China, Hunan, Changsha, CHINAEDU
22 *
23 329.07 ms AS4538 China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, CHINAEDU
24 *
25 335.54 ms AS4538,AS24357 China, Guangdong, Guangzhou, CHINAEDU

Finished in : 2 min 19 sec
Timestamp : 2023-06-09 10:04:08 GMT+8


