今天收到了 HostMyBytes 家的通知邮件,alpharacks 收到了 HostMyBytes,截止目前美国 VPS 界的所有金刚级商家全部被收购,说是收购,其实这些商家背后都是一个老板,基本就是合并客户,但是 alpharacks 在业界的口碑还是比较差的,例如 AFF 不给提现,小鸡经常离线,所有大家要注意,这家的尽量不要入手了,跑路的可能性比较大,博主预测今年应该会跑路,一般不给提 AFF 基本就是要跑路了,况且这家的机器都非常廉价,7 刀一年的小鸡相信很多朋友手里都有,目前便宜的 VPS 应该就是 Virmach 家的还算是靠谱。
Dear HostMyBytes Customer, ming —
We are pleased to announce today that AlphaRacks has officially closed on an acquisition deal with HostMyBytes. AlphaRacks is a premium IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service) provider based in Los Angeles, CA. Initially started in 2006 as an on-site IT consultancy firm providing support to local businesses, the AlphaRacks brand was launched mainstream premium hosting services in 2013. We currently support over 80,000 clients of all sizes in over 150 countries worldwide, and the acquisition of HostMyBytes will bring us to over 100,000 clients on our IaaS platform.
We hope that you’re just as excited as we are about this acquisition – because not only is two stronger than one, but also with the operational efficiencies and improvements we plan on implementing – it only means great news for you going forward!
Here’s what you need to know…
IMPORTANT NOTE: HostMyBytes has officially been merged into the AlphaRacks brand effective immediately. You will now use the AlphaRacks MyRack client area, available via https://www.alpharacks.com/myrack/clientarea.php, using the same login credentials as before to submit support tickets, manage/view services, pay for invoices, and place orders for additional servers. If you forgot your password or it is not working, you will see the ability to reset your password within a few clicks using the aforementioned URL.
Rest easy, your existing pricing that you are receiving at HostMyBytes will continue to be honored without any increase. In addition, you will be pleased to know that AlphaRacks plans on leveraging its relationships and resources to further improve experience for all HostMyBytes customers. We explain our plans in a detailed press release (which can be found below), however, foreseeable changes will include having access to our 24×7 in-house support staff, improved network carriers, and overall customers will be able to take advantage of the economies of scale and operation efficiencies that AlphaRacks has to offer.
We will do everything possible to ensure a smooth and streamlined transition process into the AlphaRacks brand — minimizing any interruptions. Please keep in mind that the whole goal is to enhance your experience and to provide you with additional value. We are always open to feedback and very interested in ensuring nothing but a satisfactory experience for you, feel free to contact us at support@alpharacks.com with any questions!
Official Press Release/Announcement can be read here: https://www.alpharacks.com/myrack/index.php?rp=/announcements/28/AlphaRacks-Acquires-HostMyBytes-Immediately-Adding-23000-Customers-to-Its-IaaS-Platform.html
That said, I would like to welcome you to the AlphaRacks family. I invite you to email us if you have any questions – rest assured, you won’t see any changes that will negatively impact you or your service, and you will enjoy an increased level of service with the addition of the AlphaRacks resources/platform now supporting HostMyBytes customers. You will be pleased to know that no price changes will be implemented, either.